EBSQ Friday Five

The EBSQ Friday Five offers a brief look at noteworthy news from around the EBSQ Artist Blogosphere.

Ashleigh Michelle by Mark Satchwill

1. Ashleigh – Mark Satchwill is an amazing portrait artist. Check out his latest marker portrait. Yes, markers!

2. The Etsy Front Page Debate – Don’t miss this informative post by Jennifer Lommers on selling at Etsy and being featured on the front page.

3. Asleep by the Window – Erika Nelson has a wonderful post up on her latest DPW painting and how it came to be. Awesome!

4. Interactive Art Print – Kim Niles of KiniArt has a new print on Zazzle that allows you to change the color of one aspect in the art print (I’m not telling which one). I had to give this a go!

5. Tarot Drawing and Prizes – Misty Benson is holding a drawing for some amazing prizes, but she needs your help. Check out her blog for details on her Kickstarter Project, how you can help and how to enter the Tarot Drawing!

Author: Amanda Makepeace

Pencil artist inspired by nature, fantasy and dark folklore.

3 thoughts on “EBSQ Friday Five”

  1. This is what you called a well-made portrait. The facial features are detailed and drawn perfectly. How I wish, you post the original photo of the model to see the differences. Cheers for your canvas! 🙂

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